Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Galleries and Artists I Liked

Hey everyone! It was good to see you all today and I hope you all are doing well :)
Here are the galleries and artists that interested me : :

  • Like the Spice Gallery
Like the Spice is a contemporary gallery in the burgeoning neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and is as much about community as it is about art. Like the Spice is striving to reach out to our neighbors and once again entice the average passerby off of the street, so that everyone can care about art as much as the seasoned connoisseur.

  • John Zaso

John has been obsessed with clean lines and bright colors and this theme is still present in his work.

  • Jason Bryant

Bryant's paintings are often confrontational, yet inviting, questioning the viewer's notions of reality and how these notions can be blurred or reinforced by film.

  • Metaphor Contemporary Art
Metaphor contemporary art exhibits new works of exceptional quality by emerging and mid-career artists. Our focus is on art that surprises, engages and challenges the viewer

  • Gabe Brown.
Brown creates painterly rebuses that tease the mind.

  • Ch’i Contemporary Art
Committed to exhibiting vibrant contemporary art by living artists: both mid-career and emerging. Ch’i exhibits works in two distinct styles: abstract, textural or fragmented figurative.

  • HeeSook Kim
Herbal imagery conveys nature's spirituality as found in Taoism. I also use herbal medicines like alternative ones found in America to explore the cultural exchange between Eastern and Western cultures

  • Elise Freda
“Mystery appeals to me. Each painting is a glimpse, a continuing conversation with the visual world.”

  • Parker’s Box
The gallery is committed to championing the work of both American and overseas artists whose practice and attitudes are innovatory while being instilled with curiosity towards both the mechanisms of the contemporary world, and the mechanisms that can operate within a work of art

  • Stefan Sehler
Developed the ability to position himself, in an intriguingly precise juggling act, on the razor's edge between opposing and complementary territories of painting. The orchestration in his work of an evolving dynamic between representation and abstraction has helped to create a respected position for him in Europe…

  • Farmani Gallery
  • Andrea Altemuller
the deepest of our human experiences
are those which are removed
from the daily routine.“
robert musil--- Some years ago I found this poem. These words express in a perfect way, what I feel about taking pictures.

  • Maryanne Bilham
In Divine Eros we look to these women’s stories to remind us of this heart wisdom and to prompt us to question what role these qualities play in our own lives. Finally, these stories remind us that the heart is the doorway to our own direct connection with the divine and to our own capacity as mystic.

  • Phil Borges
Our great wealth of cultural and ethnic diversity is disappearing at an alarming rate. On average, every two. I have devoted most of my photographic work in advocacy of the people where this extinction rate is the highest—the remaining indigenous people of our planet.
The question that BRIDGES asks, and attempts to address is: what would happen if we gave these children a voice and connected them to our children on a platform that allowed an equal exchange?

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